Maloes Zadeh

BIG-registratienummer: 59926821201

Drs. Maloes Mohammad Zadeh graduated as a doctor from Erasmus MC Rotterdam. This university is positioned in the top 3% of best universities in the world, and they have a strong emphasis on academic and scientific training. Doctors that have been educated at the Erasmus University Rotterdam have a patient-oriented professional attitude, are known to collaborate with other healthcare professionals and tend to be socially involved. While studying medicine, Maloes worked in various departments, including the plastic and reconstructive surgery department and the emergency departments of Erasmus MC. In addition to her medical studies, she also obtained a bachelor’s degree in pharmacy. During her studies, she realised that the aesthetic and cosmetic aspects of medicine really appealed to her. After her studies, she immediately delved into cosmetic treatments and started working as a cosmetic doctor.

“It gives me satisfaction to help others feel more confident through aesthetic enhancements, bringing about a positive change in people’s self-image and making them happier.

The fascination with the art and science behind aesthetic procedures drives me. Combining medical knowledge with creativity and precision to enhance people’s natural beauty appeals to me.”

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At House of Bratz, we value quality over quantity, that’s why our clients come back to us. It is also why our specialists have a limited number of treatments available every week. Book your appointment on time!

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Onderstaande afspraken kunnen alleen telefonisch aangevraagd worden van maandag t/m vrijdag 09:00 – 12:30 en van 13:00 – 16:00

Alle Overige behandelingen, inclusief pakketten, kunt u snel en eenvoudig online boeken via onderstaande links. Bij het niet komen opdagen op uw afspraak hanteren wij een No show fee van €50
Book your appointment

The appointments below can only be requested by telephone from Monday to Friday 09:00 – 12:30 and from 13:00 – 16:00

All other treatments, including treatment packages, can be booked quickly and easily online by clicking the links below.
House of Bratz charges a No-show fee of €50