About us

Cosmetic treatments​

At House of Bratz, we strive to make aesthetic improvements that meet your needs. During a personal consultation with our doctors, we clearly discuss your expectations. While we strive for optimal results, the effect of our treatments depends on how your skin responds to them.

Our specialists at House of Bratz are highly experienced and offer honest advice, setting realistic expectations. In general, our cosmetic treatments focus on:

Our values

At House of Bratz, we stand for transparency at every level. When our specialists give advice, they do so honestly and with your best interests in mind. This allows us to uphold our other important values, such as our commitment to high-quality results for our clients. Our specialists at House of Bratz have the aesthetic expertise necessary to ensure these quality results. Their knowledge of what we call “The Art of Bratz” is the foundation for our success. We strive to preserve the unique characteristics of each client, while at the same time using our aesthetic knowledge to achieve the desired results, completely tailored to each individual client.

Our specialists at House of Bratz are highly experienced and offer honest advice, setting realistic expectations. In general, our cosmetic treatments focus on:

Our Aesthetic Approach

At House of Bratz, we take a unique approach that sets us apart from other cosmetic clinics. We look at faces holistically because we believe this is the right way to analyze them. Our goal is to achieve harmony in the face because beauty is all about balance. “The Art of Bratz” is an aesthetic, artistic mindset that our specialists use to achieve perfect results, completely tailored to each individual client. No two faces are the same, and we value the uniqueness of our clients. Our approach is based on each client’s wants, desires, facial proportions, the golden ratio and evolutionary biology. Consciously applying these principles to cosmetic procedures, as our specialists do, is a modern approach. Although beauty is subjective, there are general cues that people often take into account when analyzing a face:

Each desired look and unique facial feature of the client requires a specific technique to create the perfect look. This is what truly makes “The Art of Bratz” an art, and why our clients choose us time and time again.

House of Bratz is the right choice for you

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Maak een afspraak

Onderstaande afspraken kunnen alleen telefonisch aangevraagd worden van maandag t/m vrijdag 09:00 – 12:30 en van 13:00 – 16:00

Alle Overige behandelingen, inclusief pakketten, kunt u snel en eenvoudig online boeken via onderstaande links. Bij het niet komen opdagen op uw afspraak hanteren wij een No show fee van €50
Book your appointment

The appointments below can only be requested by telephone from Monday to Friday 09:00 – 12:30 and from 13:00 – 16:00

All other treatments, including treatment packages, can be booked quickly and easily online by clicking the links below.
House of Bratz charges a No-show fee of €50