Sabrena Lewis


I’m Doctor Lewis, a medical graduate and specialist in the field of Aesthetic & Injectable Cosmetology. I have over 5 years experience in the beauty industry, during that time I’ve trained and gained much experience in

  • Fillers
  • Botox
  • PDO Thread Lifting
  • Skin Revitalization & Rejuvenation
  • Fat Burning, just to name a few.

My knowledge and qualifications comes from various European Countries including Ukraine, Russia,The United Kingdom,Germany, Turkey, The Netherlands and The USA. I am always learning and investing to perfect my skills and keep uptodate with the newest and best techniques. I work carefully, tailoring each and every service to my clients individual needs and desires. My aim is to produce the best results that will enhance each client , making them feel and become the best versions of themselves. My clients always leaving feeling more confident. I’ve recieved raving reviews from them and now I want to bring you the BEST so that you too can experience the same quality service when booking with Dr.Lewis.

Plan your appointment

At House of Bratz, we value quality over quantity, that’s why our clients come back to us. It is also why our specialists have a limited number of treatments available every week. Book your appointment on time!

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Maak een afspraak

Onderstaande afspraken kunnen alleen telefonisch aangevraagd worden van maandag t/m vrijdag 09:00 – 12:30 en van 13:00 – 16:00

Alle Overige behandelingen, inclusief pakketten, kunt u snel en eenvoudig online boeken via onderstaande links. Bij het niet komen opdagen op uw afspraak hanteren wij een No show fee van €50
Book your appointment

The appointments below can only be requested by telephone from Monday to Friday 09:00 – 12:30 and from 13:00 – 16:00

All other treatments, including treatment packages, can be booked quickly and easily online by clicking the links below.
House of Bratz charges a No-show fee of €50